An Appraisal has four parts: - Inspection = careful, up-close, hands-on
- Identification
= what is it, when was it made
- Valuation = depends on type of value & current market
- Documentation
= USPAP conformant report
What's NOT an Appraisal? - "Free" appraisals
= you pay a professional appraiser to be on your side. Who is the non-professional working for?
- online "appraisals"
= lack good inspection; hard to tell genuine from fake or reproduction
- roadshow type "appraisal fairs" =
lack time for research and USPAP report; what you get is officially called a "verbal opinion of value"
Type of Value: - Replacement Value = used for insurance; you need to buy a replacement
that closely matches the damaged/lost item
- Fair Market Value = used for estates; what a reasonable buyer would pay
to a reasonable seller under no pressure to sell quickly
- Forced Liquidation Value = used for quick cash; what a
seller under pressure to sell as soon as possible is likely to get
medore@mindspring.com (623) 931-0235 copyright ABD
Antique Appraisers